Introducing Trevor’s Writing Catalog
Hello site viewers this is the owner Trevor here to tell you a bit about myself. I first started writing when I was in the seventh grade writing a story which would become a fictional book called "Adventures in the sky" ever since then I've been fine tuning my craft and improving each step of the way, took a creative writing course in high school and a couple English courses in college. When combining everything I learned then and what I know now, my writing has improved tremendously and I am still working on improving further and further along today :).
My Creative Writing & Fictional Writings Work
Pieces of Creative Writing, Fiction Novel, Life Stories My Career

The Golden Needle
June 2035
The Grain of the Land
June 2035

Bridge to the Fog
June 2035
A Precious Truth
June 2035

Virginia Woolf
“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works”